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点击这里注册2024年博士学位. Edward A. 英国皇家奖学金晚宴


The Mathematics curriculum provides a sequence of courses designed to meet graduation requirements and college admissions expectations for students of varying abilities and learning styles. Throughout the curriculum the following skills are developed and refined: oral and written communication skills, 解决问题的能力和推理能力. 重点放在分析上, graphical, and numerical approach using graphing calculators as the central tool.

Each student should possess a TI-83 Plus or TI-84 graphing calculator for use in the mathematics courses. This graphing calculator will be the calculator used throughout the four-year high school sequence in mathematics.

The course offerings are broad in scope to ensure that each student is properly challenged and motivated to do his/her best. For freshman year, acceptance into honors or accelerated courses is based upon junior high recommendations and performance on high school entrance exams. Acceptance into courses following freshman year is based upon teacher recommendations and prior high school grades in mathematics.

Students are required to complete three years of a mathematics sequence for graduation. Students interested in pursuing math/science in college are encouraged to take a mathematics course their senior year.

Courses Offered


Algebra 1 Modified is a highly structured introduction to algebra. 研究的主题包括:变量操作, solving equations, 正数和负数, formulas, 多项式运算, factoring, graphing, 双变量方程, 处理代数分数, 小数和百分数, 平方和平方根, 二次方程.



代数1是大学预科课程的第一年. 学习的主题包括变量操作, the number line, 求解线性方程, 书写和绘制线性方程, 求解方程组, 多项式运算, factoring, 代数分数的运算, functions, roots, radicals, 二次方程. Special emphasis is given to real life applications and connections to geometry.



Algebra 1 Honors is the first year of a college preparatory sequence, 包括大学先修课程微积分. 学习的主题包括实数的基本运算, 求解线性方程和不等式, 图与函数, 多项式与因式分解, 有理性表达式的运算和方程, 无理数和根号, 二次方程与函数, absolute value, 和复合函数. 有些题目取自高等代数.



几何2是大学预科课程的第二年. 它以代数为基础,强调演绎推理. 涵盖的主题包括全等三角形, perpendicularity, parallel lines, quadrilaterals, polygons, similar polygons, 勾股定理, circles, area, and volumes.



Geometry 2 Modified is a highly structured introduction to geometry. A review of algebraic concepts is stressed with special emphasis given to the solution of algebraic equations and their application to geometry. 研究的主题包括三角形, perpendicularity, parallel lines, quadrilaterals, similar polygons, 勾股定理, circles, area, and volumes.



Geometry 2 Honors is a fast paced, in-depth course that is proof-oriented. 涵盖的主题包括全等三角形, perpendicularity, parallel lines, quadrilaterals, 空间中的线和平面, polygons, similar polygons, 勾股定理, circles, area, and volumes.



Algebra II/Trigonometry 3 Modified is highly structured introduction to algebra and trigonometry. 本课程包括对实数的回顾, 一元一元方程和不等式, special products, factoring, equations, 分数和分数方程, 线性方程图, 功能与关系, 线性方程组和不等式, matrices, 指数和根号, 二次方程, 以及直角三角形的三角学.



Algebra/Trigonometry 3 is the third year of a college preparatory sequence. 研究的主题包括实数, 一元一元方程和不等式, special products, factoring, 代数分数和分数方程, 线性方程图, 功能与关系, 线性方程组和不等式, matrices, 指数和根号, 二次方程, 序列与级数, 排列和组合, 以及圆函数和三角函数.



Pre-Calculus 3 Honors studies the topics of linear and quadratic functions and inequalities, 圆锥曲线, 多项式和有理函数, radical functions, 复合函数与反函数, 指数函数和对数函数, 三角函数, 序列与级数, 二项展开式, and determinants.



Pre-Calculus 4 completes a four-year college prep core sequence, which gives a firm foundation for the study of college calculus. Topics studied include a review of the 三角函数 and their graphs, 三角学的应用, 解析几何主题, 圆锥曲线, 方程和不等式的系统, 多项式、有理函数和极限, 以及对向量和极坐标的概述.


AP微积分AB: 1学分

Advanced Placement Calculus AB prepares students to take the AP Calculus AB examination. Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level calculus courses, AP Calculus AB provides students with an intuitive understanding of the concepts of calculus and experience with its methods and applications, and also requires additional knowledge of the theoretical tools of calculus. 学习的主题包括解析几何, limits, the derivative, integration, transcendental functions and applications of the derivative and of the integral.


AP微积分BC: 1学分

Advanced Placement Calculus BC prepares students to take the AP Calculus BC examination. Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level calculus courses, AP Calculus BC provides students with an intuitive understanding of the concepts of calculus and experience with its methods and applications, and also requires additional knowledge of the theoretical tools of calculus. This course assumes a thorough knowledge of elementary functions, and covers all of the calculus topics in AP Calculus AB as well as the following topics: vector functions, 参数方程, and polar coordinates; rigorous definitions of finite and nonexistent limits; derivatives of vector functions and parametrically defined functions; advanced techniques of integration and advanced applications of the definite integral; and 序列与级数.



本课程包括对向量的研究, matrices, and linear transformations and is typically intended for students who have completed AP Calculus.  It explores extensively what one can do with these objects, both in a pure and applied sense.  Throughout it builds on prior knowledge from geometry and algebra (and a smidge from calculus).  The course fosters mathematical habits of mind (such as abstracting from computation, 试图使论点一般化, and proof).



Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level statistics courses, AP Statistics introduced students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, 从数据中得出结论.  Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring data, 抽样和实验, 预测模式, 统计推断.


AP计算机科学A: 1学分

Following the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to mirror college-level computer science courses, AP Computer Science A courses provide students with the logical, mathematical, 而解决问题的能力需要结构化的设计, well-documented computer programs that provide solutions to real-world problems. 这些课程涵盖编程方法学等主题, features, and procedures; algorithms; data structures; computer systems; and programmer responsibilities.



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